New Lending Library Update

Today, I have a new CD to add to my lending library: Beethoven’s Moonlight.

Beethoven's Moonlight

Mine is a 2-CD set, so the cover looks somewhat different from this…but it’s close enough.

The recording may not have been produced by a well-known label, but when someone offers you a brand new two-disc set of classical music for 95% off, it seems a bit silly to be picky. Especially since it features recordings of Beethoven pieces that feature in the method books and RCM piano collection I use, such as Ode to Joy and Für Elise.

I’ve picked up a few more CDs for my studio as of late, so I’ll be updating as I listen to each one. Given one or two were second hand, I’d like to be sure they actually work before sending them off with my students!

Happy (early) Thanksgiving, all!